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We're passionate about exploring the intersection of hospitality and technology. Discover the latest trends, innovations, and best practices shaping the future of hotels.

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Our History Each of the companies that now form Actabl has its own unique story. The company that would one day become Transcendent was founded in 1987. ProfitSword was an idea born in 2001 in Orlando. In 2007, Hotel Effectiveness entered the hospitality industry. ALICE was started by friends at the University of Pennsylvania who knew there was a better way to deliver exceptional hospitality. All four became award-winning, best-in-class solutions. Actabl began taking shape in 2019 when Alpine Software Group – Actabl’s capital partner – acquired Transcendent with a desire to invest heavily in hospitality B2B SaaS. In 2022, we officially launched Actabl. We plan to continue building industry-leading hospitality software companies, preserving their strengths and maintaining what makes them beloved by their customers while fostering collaboration and experimentation across our teams so that we can collectively better serve the industry.

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Actabl is the newly–launched software company exclusively focused on meeting the evolving needs of leading hospitality businesses. Actabl brings together four powerful hospitality tech solutions to maximize profits for hotel operators. Actabl’s integrated solutions include ProfitSword’s AI-powered business intelligence technology, Hotel Effectiveness’ complete labor optimization, ALICE’s hotel operations management platform, and Transcendent’s advanced asset management and CapEx. With a global team of 300+ employees boasting over 1,000 years of combined hospitality experience, Actabl serves the technology needs of more than 10,000 properties in hospitality markets around the world. Our Mission We empower the people who power hospitality. Actabl is on a mission to scale hospitality’s warmth through intelligent operations. We're building a platform that combines insights and operations to create a GPS for hoteliers that sets a new standard for hotel operations.