Human Resources
August 25, 2023

AI Anxiety | How to Address in Your Org

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The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is here. The integration of AI into workplace processes will have a profound impact on the job landscape, with substantial implications for employment dynamics.

It’s no surprise that AI is leading to an increase in anxiety as employees wonder how AI may impact the nature of their work, or even whether their role will still exist in the future. Calm found that 29% of adults are feeling anxious about AI.

We spoke with Kevin Delaney, CEO of Charter, and Massella Dukuly, Head of Workplace Strategy & Innovation for Charter, about what HR executives need to do to address AI anxiety in the workplace. Here are four key takeaways from the discussion (and you can listen to the full podcast here).

AI will lead to an increase in jobs over time

First, most employees may not appreciate that the integration of AI into the workplace will most likely result in a net increase in jobs over time. Kevin and Massella explain this through the concept of “automation” vs. “augmentation.”

Employees tend to be afraid that their jobs will be automated, meaning AI will eliminate the need for human decision-making and action in a way that makes their job unnecessary. Some work will undoubtedly be automated by AI, and that work is likely to be the most routine processes that require very little human decision making today.

However, a much larger portion of current workflows are likely to be augmented by AI. Kevin and Massella describe augmentation as AI supporting, improving, and accelerating the ability for humans to do their jobs. There are numerous examples of AI playing that role today, from software development to written content creation.

Explaining the concept of automation vs. augmentation to employees is critical, and helps employees start to think about how their workflow could be positively assisted by AI.

Empower employees to experiment with AI

As humans, we often fear the unfamiliar. One of the most impactful ways to help employees reduce AI anxiety is to get them to start experimenting with it.

Empowering employees to experiment with AI tools and platforms serves multiple purposes. First, it enhances organizational capabilities by fostering a culture of innovation and learning. As employees become more comfortable with AI technology, they can identify creative and efficient ways to augment existing workflows, thereby improving productivity and driving business growth.

Second, hands-on experimentation demystifies AI, which can be an abstract concept for many, breaking down psychological barriers to adoption. In our conversation underlined the importance of experimentation: “make sure that people who actually do the job and do the work can really speak to the advantages or the disadvantages of that experience”. When staff members understand the technology at a granular level, they are better equipped to think critically about its potential applications and limitations, making them more effective problem-solvers and decision-makers for the organization.

Lastly, encouraging employees to familiarize themselves with AI helps in alleviating technophobia and anxiety about job displacement, factors that can hinder a smooth digital transformation. Many employees worry that the integration of AI will make their roles obsolete. However, when they are given the chance to work directly with AI technology, they often realize that it serves as a complement to human skills rather than a replacement. By using AI for repetitive and mundane tasks, employees can focus on more strategic, creative functions where human intuition and expertise are irreplaceable. This realization not only fosters a sense of job security but also encourages a more positive outlook towards embracing new technology, thereby accelerating the company's adaptation to the changing business landscape.

Set clear guardrails on when AI can be used

Some employees may be interested in experimenting with AI, but are afraid they might use AI inappropriately, putting sensitive data at risk or introducing bias into systems accidentally.

The integration of AI into the workplace presents an unprecedented opportunity for efficiency, and data-driven decision-making. However, the ethical implications and potential for misuse are equally significant, making it essential for companies to establish clear guardrails on how AI can and cannot be used. Without proper guidelines, AI algorithms could perpetuate or exacerbate existing biases, make opaque decisions that human stakeholders can't understand, or even lead to violations of privacy and individual rights. Kevin advises companies to “take breath and quickly, but thoughtfully establish a philosophy and some explicit guardrails for how people should be using AI tools”

Setting clear operational parameters for AI not only mitigates these risks, but also makes it easier for employees to integrate AI tools into their workflow without fearing inadvertent misuse or ethical lapses. Such guidelines offer a framework for accountability, ensuring that any anomalies or misconduct can be quickly identified and addressed. Moreover, establishing AI ethics policies can serve as a competitive advantage. As consumers and clients become more educated about the societal implications of technology, companies that can demonstrate a responsible approach to AI usage stand to gain in reputation and customer loyalty. Therefore, setting clear guardrails for AI use is not just an ethical imperative but a sound business strategy.

Create safe channels for feedback and concerns on AI

Central to the process of AI integration is the active engagement of employees in shaping the organization's AI journey. HR leaders hold the key to fostering an environment where employees are not only informed about the AI strategy but are also encouraged to share their insights, concerns, and suggestions.

Soliciting feedback creates a two-way dialogue, allowing employees to voice their perspectives and contributing to the refinement of AI policies and strategies. This inclusivity empowers employees and enhances their sense of ownership, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and smoother adoption of AI technologies.

Feedback mechanisms not only empower employees, but also serve as a valuable source of information for HR leaders and management. By actively listening to employees' experiences and concerns, HR gains a deeper understanding of the practical implications of AI implementation on the workforce. This insight informs iterative improvements, ensuring that AI technologies are integrated in ways that align with employees' needs and enhance their efficiency. Ultimately, a symbiotic relationship between a well-defined AI philosophy and ongoing employee feedback fosters a culture of co-creation, propelling the organization forward in its AI-driven endeavors.


Transparent communication and employee involvement are critical for a smooth and beneficial integration of AI into the workplace. HR leaders can reduce employee anxiety around AI by:

  1. Clarifying that AI will not just automate jobs but also augment human roles, leading to a net increase in employment opportunities.

  2. Encouraging employees to experiment with AI to demystify the technology and help them see its benefits.

  3. Setting clear ethical and operational guidelines for AI use to prevent misuse and build trust.

  4. Creating channels for feedback about AI to foster employee engagement, inform policy, and enhance the overall implementation strategy.

Interested in learning more about how HR executives should approach AI? Listen to the full podcast here!

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