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BCD Travel

Very flexible work environment

Flex Work policy

Corporate Policy

Employee's choice
Employee's choice

Locations or roles with different office requirements

Are there corporate office locations where there is a different expectation on time spent in the office?

San Jose, Costa Rica - Bangalore, India - Krakow, Poland, Barcelona- Spain aer sometimes asked to go to the office due to the on-the-job training required.

Are there functions or roles where there is a different expectation on time spent in the office?

Majority of roles are able to work remotely. Depending on country and job role (junior customer support) is often required to work from the office hub due to the equipment and on-the-job training required. Junior employees may be required to come in more frequently.

Other information

Is there anything else you would like to share?

BCD had a remote working culture before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do you have a jobs page?



BCD Travel, founded in 2006, provides business travel management solutions for companies, delivering program adoption, cost savings, and talent retention through digital experiences. Its mission is to help people and companies travel smart and achieve more, aspiring to be the world’s most trusted and innovative travel management company. The company operates its global headquarters in Utrecht with regional headquarters in Atlanta, London, and Singapore, and serves clients in over 170 countries.

This content was generated by A.I. BCD Travel employees can edit to make any changes.