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Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Our flexible work model supports our people by providing opportunities to connect and collaborate in person, while also providing flexibility to balance both personal and professional needs.

Flex Work policy

Corporate Policy

Minimum days a week
Minimum days a week
Corporate employees are expected to go into an office 2 days a week.

Locations or roles with different office requirements

Are there corporate office locations where there is a different expectation on time spent in the office?

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York exists within a broader Federal Reserve System and offers Work From Home opportunities for most employees. The Board of Governors and other Reserve Banks operate as separate entities and set flexible work models based on their own needs and cultural aspirations. All of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York locations and employees are supported by the same flexible work model.

Are there functions or roles where there is a different expectation on time spent in the office?

While the Bank only offers full-time remote options very rarely, we recognize some employees may need to work fully remotely for a limited period of time to address extenuating personal circumstances. Because of the nature of the work, some essential roles may require employees to be at the Bank more frequently than others. We work to accommodate flexibility in these roles, including schedules that allow for recurring days off. Our people leaders use their discretion and work directly with their team members when supporting short-term remote work requests. For longer-term requests, our People & Engagement team has a dedicated, simple remote work request process.

Other information

Is there anything else you would like to share?

The Bank is committed to ensuring our flexible work model works for everyone. We regularly conduct surveys to gather feedback about our employee experience, inclusive of our flexible work model. These surveys have shown a strong support for our flexible work model, with results indicating our people have meaningful social connections while working on-site and have the flexibility in their schedules to balance their professional and personal lives.

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The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, established in 1914, serves as part of the U.S. central banking system, implementing monetary policy, supervising and regulating financial institutions, and helping maintain the nation's payment systems. Located in New York City, it operates within the Second District of the Federal Reserve System, which includes New York state, the 12 northern counties of New Jersey, Fairfield County in Connecticut, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Its mission is to uphold a safe, robust, and inclusive economy through optimal employment rates, stable prices, and well-established financial stability.

This content was generated by A.I. Federal Reserve Bank of New York employees can edit to make any changes.